- Program Photos 2025
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- Program Photos 2025

- Program Photos 2025
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- Program Photos 2025

Meetings & Programs
Our meetings are held on the 4th Tuesday from February through October except August.
We usually meet in the auditorium of the Folk Art Center on the Blue Ridge Parkway in Asheville, NC at 10:30 A.M. Come a little early to socialize!
All of our meetings are FREE and Open to the Public. Come for a visit and see what we are all about. Our workshops are for I.I. members only.
Folk Art Center
382 Blue Ridge Parkway
Asheville, NC 28805
(828) 298-7928
Contact information:
Go to the Contact Us page and send a message to the webmaster
"Friendship Through Flowers"
Motto of Ikebana International
Program Schedule 2025
All programs are held at the Folk Art Center unless otherwise noted
Workshops are for I. I. Members Only
February 25
"Sticks and Stones"
Presented by: Patti Quinn Hill - Ichiyo School
Sticks and Stones may hurt your bones… but they are fun for ikebana. Patti will gather various sticks and stones and use them to create interesting ikebana. The possibilities are limitless.
February 25 Workshop
Fee: No charge
Gather your own sticks and stones and bring your materials to create a fun arrangement to share with the group. It will be interesting to see everyone’s creativity for this theme.
March 25
"Haiku and Ikebana""
Presented by: Norma Bradley, Ichiyo School
Haiku is a short form of poetry originating in Japan which typically uses common language and simple uncomplicated images to convey emotion. A haiku poem is the sharing of a moment of sensory illumination which carries a subtle yet often profound emotional resonance. Ikebana uses carefully selected blossoms, greenery, and other flora to convey a specific feeling or emotion to an observer – just as a haiku, painting or sculpture might.
In a slide show I will show examples of different forms of haiku bringing this ancient form into current practice. In Japan, haiku are traditionally written as a single line, while haiku in English often appear as three lines, although variations exist. The 5/7/5 rule was made up for school children to understand and learn this type of poetry. I will share some of my recent haiku and haiga which have been published in journals. Haiku and visual art in combination are called haiga. This form is the closest to what we will be doing in combining our arrangements with haiku.
I will also create one arrangement and write a haiku.
No Workshop
"white stork walks for peace"
April 22
"Yon Getsu Go"
Presented by: Sibbie Wilson - Ohara School
I will be doing Moribana -Landscape arrangements. Moribana - Landscape arrangements are the backbone
of the Ohara School. The demonstration will include the three perspective
views of landscape arrangements, far view, middle view and near view.April 22 Workshop
Fee: $14 - $10 to be donated to the Folk Art Center. $4 materials.
The workshop will continue the theme for the day which will be simple Moribana - Landscape arrangements. Members participating will bring their own plant materials of which I will give suggestions. These will be mostly from their grounds with a few flowers that they will need to purchase at their local venue and will be simple to find. I will keep in mind grocery stores and such for this.
May 27
"Focusing on Sogetsu Themes"
Presented by: Susan Cano - Sogetsu School
May 27 Workshop
June 24
"Leaf Manipulation"
Presented by: Sue Grier-Ichiyo School, Candy Gallaher-Ikenobo School, Jane Irwin-Sogetsu School
July 22
"Contrasting Materials"
Presented by: Sayo Harris, Ikenobo School
Ikebana arrangements showcase the different characteristics of contrast and harmony. Thick/thin, big/small, sharp/soft, etc. We will explore these contrasting characteristics of the plant material and highlight their unique qualities using seasonal material from the garden.
July 22 WorkshopFee: $15 Class limited to 15 students
August 12
60th Anniversary Celebration
Presented by: TBD
We do not have a regular meeting at the Folk Art Center in August due to the August Luncheon. See registration
Guests are very welcome.
August 13
Workshop #1 - TBD
Presented by: TBD
Time: 10:30 - 12:30
Place: The Folk Art Center
August 20
Workshop #2 - TBD
Presented by: TBD
Time: 1:30 - 3:30
Place: The Folk Art Center
September 23
"Autumn Splendor"
Presented by: Terri Ellis Todd - Ichiyo School
I will focus on current trends in the Ichiyo School of Ikebana based on the fourth headmaster Naohiro Kasuya’s monthly online lessons for instructors since 2020.
No Workshop
October 28
"Ikenobo Ikebana with Native Autumn Plants"
Presented by: Dede Walton - Ikenobo School
An overview of Ikenobo Styles highlighting plant materials from our region.
October 28 Workshop
We do not meet the months of November, December or January
About Us
Our Mission is to promote education and friendship through the Japanese art of Ikebana
© 2023 Ikebana International Asheville Chapter #74
Webmaster/Photograhper: Patti Quinn Hill